In BWRs one of the things that saved some of these plants in the early days was the water that went into the cooling of the control rod drive as I recall. 在BWR,有件事是救了这些电站,在早期的时候,就是水进入,到控制棒的冷却系统。
CA.I then positioned it half way on the remaining control rod and snubbed it into place. 我当时的位置,它中途就余下的控制杆和封杀它变成地方。
The flow resistance of the integrated valve is one of the key parameters for the design of the control rod hydraulic drive system ( CRHDS). 组合阀流动阻力是控制棒水压驱动系统设计的关键参数之一。
The Construction Design of Ball Bearings Used in the Control Rod Driving Mechanism of PWRs 压水堆控制棒驱动机构用球轴承的结构设计
Study on Step-Down Dynamic Process of Hydraulic Cylinder for Control Rod Hydraulic Drive Mechanism 控制棒水压驱动机构水压缸步降过程研究
Control rod for nuclear reactor 控制棒,核反应堆用
Control rod drop time analysis for the nuclear power plant under action of strong earthquake; 危岩链式规律的研究核心是确定各个受力不同的危岩体的崩落时间。
This work concerns in the rigidity experiment of coil-moveable electromagnetic drive mechanism for reactor control rod. 本工作在反应堆控制棒可移动线圈电磁驱动机构工程样机实验台架上,进行了电磁铁刚度实验。
Projections on the control rod operated the valves which turned the water and steam on or off as required. 控制杆上的凸出物根据需要控制着水和蒸汽的阀门。
Application of Neutron Multiplication Formula in Simulating of Nuclear Power Plant During the Accident of Control Rod Raised Continuously 中子倍增公式在连续提棒事故瞬态特性模拟中的应用
The control rod drive mechanism ( CRDM) housing of nuclear power plant is installed on the reactor pressure vessel head by welding and interference fit. 核电站主设备控制棒驱动机构管座是通过焊接和过盈配合共同作用安装在压力容器顶盖上。
In conclusion, this research is very important for designing a new digital inductance control rod position detectors. 该工作为新型数字电感棒位探测器的设计及其研究提供了理论基础。
Connected with it is a control rod. 跟它相连的是一个操纵杆。
They essentially disabled many of the safety systems and they had to jury rig, and as I remember using the cooling from the control rod drive systems to cool the core. 他们使得很多的安全系统,失效,他们不得不启动应急操作,我记得,使用控制棒驱动系统,来将核心冷却。
Reactor protection control rod system 反应堆保护控制棒系统
Their power was also increased by introducing a control rod which moved up and down with the beam. 因为增加了一根随着吊杆上下移动的控制杆,发动机的功率也增大了。
When a force is applied through the control rod to the control lever, the latter rotates through some angle θ. 当力通过操纵连杆作用于操纵杠杆时,操纵杠杆将转动一角度θ。
Equivalent effective radius of a control rod 控制棒当量有效半径
A Cold Stepping Driving Experiment for a Control Rod Drive Line of PWR 压水堆控制棒驱动线的冷态步跃试验
Isotopic Abundance Determinations of Hafnium in a Hafnium Reagent and a Control Rod 铪试剂及控制棒中铪同位素丰度测定
Control rod drive hydraulic system 控制棒水力驱动系统
The paper deduces dynamic equation of hydraulic driving system under impact load and simulated the response of control rod. 推导了水力驱动系统在冲击载荷下的动力学方程,并数值模拟控制棒在不同冲击载荷下的动力学响应。
The key technique problems in design are discussed in accordance with the main failure patterns of control rod. 针对控制棒的主要失效模式,讨论了关键的设计技术问题。
The integral and differential worthes of control rod are also studied. 控制棒反应性积分与微分当量也在文中给出。
: The paper introduces a new electromagnet drive for reactor control rod. 介绍了反应堆控制棒的一种新型电磁驱动机构,其电磁铁线圈吸引位于密封筒内的衔铁,衔铁与驱动对象相连;
Design of this system is based on passive system, integrating drive and guide of control rod. 该系统是以非能动系统为基础设计的,并实现了传动、导向一体化。
The correction method for diffusion coefficient of control rod is proposed. 提出了控制棒扩散系数修正方法;
Study and Design of Hydraulic Driving System of Control Rod 控制棒水力驱动系统的设计和研究
The movable coil electromagnet drive system is a completely new scheme for reactor control rod. 介绍了一种全新的控制棒驱动机构方案&可动线圈电磁铁控制棒驱动机构,它将应用于中国先进研究堆上。
A number of parameters, such as water level coefficient, control rod value, is calculated. 并计算了该布置的水位系数,控制棒价值等参数。